Ask a nerd about his/her wealth and you are most likely to get an answer that points to the amount of storage capacity that he/she has accumulated over the years. And it is more than likely that the answer is also going to include the word "Terra-Byte" (TB) when it comes to the really (read virtually) wealthy nerds. No surprise then that Western Digital has decided to cater to this ever-growing hunger for computer memory, and has brought out an external HDD with a whopping 4TB memory as part of its MyBook Studio Edition II dual-drive storage systems.
The 4TB drive is specifically formatted for Macs and offers four interfaces for connectivity : eSATA, FireWire 800, FireWire 400 and USB 2.0. The performance of the drive, the company claims, is "extra-fast" on account of the eSATA and FireWire interfaces, though no standard performance figures are on the specs sheet. Expect some silent data transfer as well since this hard drive comes without a fan and cools itself through an "efficient convection cooling architecture". The drive, however, has to be re-formatted to work on Windows Vista and Windows 7 (with the included s/w).
To acquire this virtual wealth, you will have to part with $649.99 of hard currency. And get included into the "trillionaire" community.
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