Agreed this 4-port USB hub isn't much of a looker compared to the cute ones floating around currently, but you could give it a try based on that one thing that really matters to all of us these days - more juice for our cellphones.
Though this 4-port USB hub functions like any other when connected to your computer, there is an additional port to which you can jack up your cellphone through the connecting cable provided (connectors specific to the cellphone models supported) and receive those few drops of nectar to bring it back to life. The charging itself works in dual mode. When connected to the computer, the USB hub charges your cellphone by taking power from the PC's USB port. But you can even let the hub's own internal battery charge itself through its solar panel and then connect your cellphone to the hub to transfer the stored charge.
This nifty combination of (solar) cellphone charging and USB hubbing, plus a pocket-sized form factor makes this device a wise addition to your travel bag. Available for $22 from USBFever.
Via TechChee.
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