Monday, September 21, 2009

iTwinge helps the keyboard obsessed get around their iPhones


It is probably the most whispered device in the geek blogosphere, and we wouldn't be exaggerating if we were to place it right behind the recent Apple event, in the order of importance. Only because the placement happens to be quite literal - the iTwinge is the world's first keyboard designed to work with the iPhone 3G and 3GS. Now you see?

The iTwinge is sympathetic towards those with "two left hands" - a terminology we just made up to describe those of us who are never comfortable with the idea of using a touchscreen to its fullest extent and long for the luxury of a real, tactile keyboard. This QWERTY keypad attaches itself to the bottom of your iPhone and works like it came along with the device when you bought it. Nah, we are not so sure if the user experience is so seamless, but we sure hope it leads the way for more (and better) options to show up.

The iTwinge is available for pre-order now and will ship on November 19th at a price of $29.99.

Via Chip Chick.

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