Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aroma USB drives away memories of bad odors


Remember that old office prank when a bunch of guys would get mean and present the smelly office colleague a bottle of deodorant on his birthday? Though deodorant would be passe´ in this day and age, situations warranting one still flourish aplenty. What you could perhaps do now is to buy a bunch of Aroma USB thumb drives and distribute them to the needy folks - which can include both the injured and the offending parties.

The Aroma drives have no internal memory, but serve the single purpose of spreading the finest fragrances once they are connected to an USB port. They are refillable and the preloaded fragrance (lavender, lemongrass, or orange) lasts upto a week of continuous use. We know the idea of having a drive without memory sounds quite airy to geeks, but the drives look so good that it is hard not to be impressed with the whole scheme. Plus, if you must have the additional memory, head on to to get the best of both worlds.

Via Gearlog.

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